
Campus Tours

Feel free to stop by anytime and see our school for who we truly are. Refer to our bell schedule for instruction vs recess time. Most thorough tours are done by Ms. Jessica, feel free to call 530-877-2227 beforehand and make sure she is in.


CCCS uses an open enrollment admission policy for all California students, and does not discriminate on the basis of residency, gender, gender expression, gender identity, sexual preference, disability, national origin, immigration status, ethnic or racial background, native language, religion or political belief, or any other characteristic that is contained in the definition of hate crimes set forth in Section 422.55 of the Penal Code or any other characteristics described in Education Code Section 220. In addition, CCCS attempts to maintain a balanced grade level configuration. The number of classes per grade level depends on enrollment.  Multi-grade classes may be used. CCCS will maintain its status as a tuition-free, nonsectarian public school.

The application process is comprised of the following:

1.     Completion of Application

2.     Not a requirement – but we invite you to call and schedule a tour of the campus – or come into the office anytime.

Applications will be accepted during a publicly advertised open enrollment period each March for enrollment in the following school year.  Following the open enrollment period each year applications shall be counted to determine whether any grade level has received more applications than availability.  In the event that this happens, CCCS will hold a public random drawing to determine enrollment for the impacted grade level, with the exception of existing students who are guaranteed enrollment the following year.

Admission preferences in the case of a public random drawing shall be given to the following students in the following order:

1.     Children of CCCS staff members

2.     Siblings of CCCS students

3.     Children of CCCS Alumni

4.     Residents of the District

At the conclusion of the public random drawing, all students who were not granted admission due to capacity shall be given the option to put their name on a waiting list according to their draw in the lottery.  The waiting list will allow students the option of enrollment in the case of an opening during the school year.  Waiting lists will not carry over to the following school year.

New incoming students are required to provide the school with the following:

  1. Proof of Birth (copy of birth certificate, passport, etc.)
  2. Immunization Record (The California School Immunization Law requires that children receive a series of immunizations before entry to schools. In addition, the California School Immunization Law requires schools, to enforce immunization requirements, maintain immunization records of all children enrolled, and submit reports to the health department.) Please click the link for “Required Immunizations for School Entry“.
  3. Report of Health Examination for School Entry (California law requires a health examination to be filled out by a health examiner on school entry.) Please click the link to print or stop by our school office for a hard copy. “Report of Health Examination for School Entry“.
  4. Oral Health Assessment (California Education Code Section 49452.8 Requires students enrolled in kindergarten in a public school, or in first grade if not previously enrolled in kindergarten, to present proof of having received an oral health assessment within 12 months of initial enrollment. Report of oral assessment is due to the school no later than May 31st of the school year.) Please click the link to print or stop by our school office for a hard copy. “Oral Health Assessment Form“.
Children’s Community Charter School
6830 Pentz Road, Paradise, CA 95969
(530) 877-2227
© 2018 – 2025   CCCS